Monday 5 June 2017

Welcome to Year 7!!

Welcome to the 7A blog! This is a blog where we will answer any questions you may have about Year 7 and will hopefully make you less anxious about the transition from the Junior School to the Senior School. Our class is very excited to have you join the  Senior School and we all hope you will feel very welcome. Furthermore, feel free to comment any queries you may have in the comment section.

Last year, we were all in your position and super nervous like some of you must be, but don't worry because it's not as scary as it may seem! You may be the youngest of the school and there may be more homework than last year, but you're guaranteed to adjust to your surroundings and you will eventually manage your time with homework.

Good luck,

Hello Year 6!
Please do not hesitate to ask any questions about the Senior School, we will be glad to answer all your fascinating questions.

Kind Regards,



The names of the rooms in the senior school are abbreviated: for example (En10) is the tenth English room. They are all most likely to be in the same corridor. 

En = English 
DT =  Design and Technology 
Ma = Maths
La = Languages
It = ( ICT ) Computing 
Dr = Drama 
Hu= Geography and history
Mu = Music 
Sc = Science 
Li = Library 
Ar = Art 
Bs = Business Studies ( A level)
Ps = Psychology (A level)
Pe = Physical Education ( PE ) 
Ex = Extra ( sometimes they are used for exams ) 

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Senior School Facilities

Library Front gardenPitch Sports hallTuck shop
Hello Year 6! Excited to come to the senior school!

Monday 29 May 2017

Welcome to your Buddy Blog!

Hello 6A

Welcome to the Buddy Blog.

On this blog, we are going to be uploading advice, information, videos, and pictures that we hope will help you prepare for your move up to our school.

7A are busy working on lots of content for the blog and this will be uploaded over the next two weeks. For now, we would like to invite you to use the comments function below this video to ask us questions or tell us what sort of things we should post to this blog to help you.

We are looking forward to working with you over the next few weeks.

Kind regards

Mr O'Dowd
Head of (current) Year 7

Welcome Video from Miss Tierney, Head of Year 7 2017/2018